Monday, March 28, 2011

Yamaha FG700S Acoustic Guitar Review

The post World War II years in America saw an explosion of musical art. The war was over, the boys had come home, and the production prowess of the nation shifted away from the war machine back to the consumer goods that it had originally been set up to pump out. Many of our musician soldiers too returned to their vocation of creating music. Country music, jazz, swing, and other forms of popular music didn't just pick up where they left off, they began thriving and moving in new directions as musicians experimented with musical influences they might have picked up overseas and a new musical freedom that availed itself along with the freedom from war that the country had been longing for. From this new expression, rockabilly sprouted and grew at a phenomenal pace until it was the hottest form of music around.

Tony Smith
Sean John Combs
Michael Jackson
Juan Gris
John Tyler

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